Get Involved! Volunteer!
“It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.”
–Saint Teresa of Calcutta
One of the most important things a parent can do for their child is to volunteer at school. Giving your time makes a positive impact on the learning environment, and when you make time to help, kids learn that you value their education. Volunteers are an important part of the educational program at Morning Star School. Parents/guardians and family members are encouraged to volunteer for special classroom projects, homeroom parent duties, library, book fairs, field trips, campus beautification days and the many fundraising events Morning Star School coordinates each year.
Volunteer Hours at Morning Star School
Each Morning Star family is required to complete a minimum of 20 hours of service to Morning Star School during the school year. Hours must be completed by the beginning of May each school year. Voluntary participation beyond the 20 hours is greatly appreciated.
Volunteer Screening Process
To be a volunteer, according to the Office of Youth Protection at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, any time a parent or other volunteer works, or volunteers, in any capacity in connection with the school —no matter how infrequently this occurs—safe environment training “Protecting God’s Children Class” is essential. In addition, parents and family members must undergo a History Screening and Live Scan Fingerprinting. Live Scan Fingerprinting is the method used by law enforcement agencies and private facilities to scan, process and file fingerprints and palm prints electronically.
Even if a parent, guardian or family member serves only once during the year, they must complete the full Morning Star Volunteer Screening process. Until the Volunteer Screening process has been completed you will not be allowed to volunteer at the school, with our children.
Follow the links below to complete your screening process:
- Fingerprinting through Live Scan: Click HERE
- Sign Up for Protecting God’s Children Class Click HERE (select organization St. Augustine, FL (Diocese)
If you need help with the Volunteer Screening Process, please contact Sister Elise Kennedy at ekennedy@morningstar-jax.org
“I love that Morning Star is a place where my daughter feels she belongs, but it is also a family for me! What a treasure for us!”