Academic Excellence

Fully accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference, Morning Star School is dedicated to helping children with learning differences reach their full potential. Our students are diagnosed as having specific learning disabilities, ADD, communication disorders, various processing disorders, and Autism Spectrum Disorder.  We provide a full curriculum of academic subjects including reading, language, math, science, and social studies, as well as PE, music, and art.  We also offer speech and language therapy and academic enrichment.  Our students can participate in extracurricular activities such as Drum Line and Music Club, Math Lab, and various sports. Through individualized instructional and behavioral plans, we help each child develop academically, physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Our academics reflect the message of the Gospel, with a focus and understanding that each student must experience a sense of accomplishment, develop an appreciation of dignity and worth, and incorporate a set of Christian values into daily life through prayer and worship.  Students are surrounded by inspiration and faith in an atmosphere of loving support that fosters a positive self-image and successful experiences. We enable each child to grow and mature as children of God

Each student is assigned to a classroom in one of the four basic divisions of the academic program. These divisions are Primary, Intermediate, Junior High and High School.  Assignment to a classroom or division is based on a variety of factors, including academic achievement, social ability, and chronological age. Students are not automatically promoted to the next classroom each year, and a student may remain in one division or one classroom for more than one year. After successfully completion of all subject areas, students may be promoted to the next division.  Students who are working on modified curriculum may also be transferred to the next program division.

Morning Star High School students enjoy a partnership with Bishop Snyder High School

Bishop Snyder High School hosts the Morning Star high school students at Snyder’s school Masses and retreats, as well as sporting events, dances and Fine Arts showcases. Many Snyder students serve as mentors to the Morning Star students and help them feel welcome and accepted as part of a larger high school community.  The relationship between the students show mutual support. It’s a friendship between two schools that will continue to grow. We are grateful to the staff at Bishop Snyder for their warm welcome.  Go Cardinals!


A parentally-placed private school student with a disability does not have an individual right to receive some or all of the special education and related services that the students would recieve if enrolled in a public school under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

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