DREAM PROJECT: Outdoor Fitness Area
$200,000 Naming Pledge
The increase in the number of young people diagnosed on the autism spectrum in the last 14 years has been staggering — from 1 in 152 in 2002 to an estimated 1 in 59 today. For kids with learning and attention issues (such as Dyslexia and ADHD) the number is even greater at 1 in every 5 children! Unfortunately funding and focus has remained centered on helping younger kids cope. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of children turn 18 every year. They are often as smart, or smarter, than their peers, but they go to college in far fewer numbers. They are even less likely to go to college than people with most other disabilities. These young people are also likely to end up in low-wage jobs, dependence on public assistance or ongoing reliance on their parents — who may also be struggling and are unlikely to outlive them.
Our new Life Skills Center will focus on helping high school age students (up to age 21) transition from school-age to adulthood. Students will learn Daily Living Skills to manage personal finances, household management, personal needs, family responsibilities, food preparation, citizenship responsibility and leisure activities. They will learn Self Determination and Interpersonal Skills to help develop self-awareness, self-confidence, socially responsible behavior, good interpersonal skills, independence, decision-making and good communication skills. Employment Skills, Technical Skills, College Opportunities and Job Preparedness is also part of our program. Students learn appropriate work habits, how to seek and maintain employment, physical/manual skills, and specific job competencies that open doors to employment possibilities and choices in the 21st century.
Weekly workshops and one-on-one peer mentoring will be implemented to meet students’ needs. Morning Star School will partner with community leaders to help these young individuals become productive, responsible, functioning members of society. With the cooperative efforts of parents, teachers, and our supportive community, students are afforded the opportunity to learn, to thrive and to succeed both during and after high school.
Below are a few sites/articles that will help you become more familiar with special education and our Life Skills Center project…
- Life Centered Education: A Product of the Council for Exceptional Children; Our Life Skills Curriculum. CLICK HERE
- Teaching life skills to students on the autism spectrum CLICK HERE
- Learning Disabilities Report: 1 in 5 children are affected. CLICK HERE
- The State of Learning Disabilities: Understanding the 1 in 5. CLICK HERE
For a tour of the school, a look at the proposed facility, or to discuss ways you can help our school continue serving children with learning differences, please contact Maria Johnson at development@morningstar-jax.org.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Chartrand,
Thank you for the very generous donation to Morning Star High School. Both of our children have been attending school here for over 8 years. Morning Star School was the answer to our prayers. Both Luke, 16 years old, and Liam, 13 years old, have high functioning Autism. This school was the perfect match for us. When Luke first started school here, he told me it was Heaven compared to his previous public school experience. He said he feels safe, secure, cared for, and above all loved. They have grown and matured into fine young men here. Your gift has made it possible for the children of Morning Star School to have greater opportunities for physical exercise which will aid in their personal and academic success as well. God Bless you,